About me

From living the dream in Florida, as a Naples native, Alexander's path has shaped his perspective on mental wellness, personal growth, and holistic healing. He discovered his calling as a Life Advancement Coach by harnessing the power of psychedelic healing. His compassionate approach and dedication to promoting self-empowerment and spiritual awakening define his coaching philosophy. Alexander's volunteer work at a juvenile detention center reflects his commitment to community and transformation. 

Throughout the journey, Alexander has adapted and overcome some of the most challenging obstacles we as humans experience. With the understanding, patience, and unconditional LOVE of his wife Alexis, they have forged this dream together. As a testament to their bond and mutual growth, they offer relationship coaching as a couple, catering to those in pursuit of their true love connections. Life's challenges become more navigable with someone loving and supporting you unconditionally.

Alexander Shafer's commitment to transformative growth isn't limited to personal coaching alone; it extends to broader initiatives that enrich our global community.

Supporting the Next Generation

Recognizing the potential of our youth, Alexander dedicates his time to the local Juvenile Detention Center. Through mentorship and empowerment sessions, he aims to bring hope, guidance, and tools for change to these young lives, helping them see beyond their current circumstances and envision a brighter future.

A Greener Tomorrow

Climate change and environmental degradation are challenges we all face. Driven by the belief that every individual action counts, Alexander has pledged to support the planting of 1 Billion trees over the course of his journey. Each tree represents not just a donation, but a step toward a more sustainable and harmonious world.
